Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2007

Caller ID and Caller line identification with betamax, like justvoip, nonoh etc

This blog is not about making free calls, but I thought of writing it because it is useful to use CLI with betamax services like 12voip, Dialnow, Freecall, Internetcalls, Justvoip, Lowratevoip, Netappel, Nonoh, Poivy, Sipdiscount, Smsdiscount, Sparvoip, Voipbuster, Voipbusterpro, Voipcheap, Voipcheap, Voipdiscount, Voipraider, Voipstunt, Voipwise, Webcalldirect, voicetrading etc.

Please note

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